Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Campfire Legends: The Hookman

I downloaded this game just a couple of days ago. With a few days left to Halloween, the timing couldn't be more perfect! This is a GameHouse game, and with so many great titles under their belt, I knew I couldn't be disappointed.

And I wasn't.

This is a hidden object game infused with some great puzzles, based on the infamous Urban Legend of The Hookman. Don't expect it to follow the Urban Legend exactly; it has it's own little intriguing story line to it. That being said, this is one hidden object game that has a strong storyline - you actually become the main character, Christine, and help her in her exploits.

What's best about this game, is that the graphics are pretty good, with the sound and music matching perfectly with the mood of the game. It's eerie and creepy, and for the very first time since I started playing PC games (almost 17 years ago!) elements of this game really scared me. I was practically jumping out of my seat, I had to actually turn down the sound effects in order to refrain from crapping in my pants. Seriously.

The objects are actually pretty difficult to find, so it does pose a challenge. However, for once, you're supposed to find objects relevant to the game (ie. the things you need to change a flat tyre) and not some random objects like saxophones and barber poles. The puzzles were definitely challenging - I had to practically wring my brain out to even get close to some of the solutions.

There were a few minor downsides, one being that the game was way too short! It could probably be completed in an hour, which means you could probably complete it within the one hour free trial of the game. Other than that, my cursor response was horrible, but that could be due to my out-of-date laptop and specs.

All in all, I loved the game. Would rate it 5 stars, and recommend it to everyone out there. A word of caution, though; it's not for the faint hearted!

I anticipate more Campfire Legend games to be released. Can't wait!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Who IS Bringeroflite

Some people I know, must be thinking that I'm this pretentious little girl.

"Who does she think she is? A Bringer Of Light? Who does she think she's kidding?!"

Ok, they don't say it to my face, but I know some people out there do think it! So here's the history of my "nickname".

My sister gave this to me when I was a tiny tot, barely old enough to be able to read the words on this card. But it was from my sister, and boy I treasured it so!

I loved it so much, I kept this card with me wherever I went. It made me somehow feel at peace whenever I felt the world was so unfair.

And then, when it came a time when I started playing MMORPGs, finding a unique nick name for myself seemed easy as pie... "Bringeroflite" the shortened version.

The rest as they say, is history :) I now use this nick for everything!

My New E Shop!

I haven't been updating... because I've been ecstatically happy! :)
Remember in my previous post, how I said I would launch an E Shop to sell those tank tops I love so much? Well I actually created it, and after a week, I've had overwhelming response! So I've been busy with that basically.

Here it is!

Tanks For 5

Happy Shopping! :)